Real-Time Planning-Budgeting Solution
The company has been using the Enterprise Planning tool for budgeting for the last 5 years. The model consists of RSV (Realisable Sales Value by Project), Budget Application, MMI Application, PMS application for Business unit, and MTR application for Business Unit.
The EP model was earlier developed by some other team and the later on our team has made some changes for performance tuning in the same application.
Business Need
As the individual application size was big, for each model individual applications were created as data size holding constraints in EP.
As PMS, Budget and MMI applications are interdependent on each other admin links were created to flow the data from one application to another. So if end-user wants to see project-wise PBIT they have to depend on the IT team to run the admin links which easily eat 20 min to half-hour, only after that, they can see the PBIT for an individual project. We can imagine now there are around average 160 projects are running in each BU and if they want to arrive a PBIT or the other parameter how much time they have to spend to calculate so.
This was a major pain that was facing by them as they were running with certain assumptions to arrive at their final numbers and also leads to an increase in the Budget Cycle finalization process days, which used to take almost a month to finalize the Budget numbers. And also required one resource full time for running those admin links.
Business wants to remove the dependency to run the admin links to update the data into different applications, as it was consuming time, and also thy have to wait for running links to finalize their numbers.
They want a system which will give real-time result for example. If they enter Cost for Projects in MMI application, in real-time it shows same cost and PBIT in the Budget application. Where in EP to arrive this they need to run admin links to do so.
Reduce the dependency on the technical team and providing more insight to the business users.
The Solution
Design and develop all the applications in single server.
Every application is linked with each other in real-time, which reduces the efforts and waiting time spend on running admin links.
As everything becomes real-time finance and budget end user can easily change the parameters to arrive at their required numbers.
The Benefits
The budget process cycle time which used to take 1 month for 5 to 6 resource of FNA team with team to 3 it has been finalized in 12 days.